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Rei Helice Continua

"We are aware of our social role and we encourage the improvement of people's lives in the region where we operate". André Lopes

Rei Helice Continua supports and encourages actions that reduce the negative impacts on the environment and the communities where it operates, respecting and valuing human capital.

Rei Helice Continua is committed to improving the people’s quality of life in the geographical area where it operates. It also invests time and efforts to donate toys and food to these communities.

One of the special programs that Rei Helice Continua participates in is "Children's Christmas", a remarkable example of social commitment.

Responsabilidade Social Rei Helice Continua



LANGUAGES   Português    Español    English
Headquarters: Barão de Mauá Street, 236   -   City: Goiânia / GO   -   Brazil
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