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Rei Helice Continua

Rei Helice Continua offers solutions that minimize environmental impacts, being an ideal alternative to urban centers and locations near hospitals, educational institutions and residential areas.

By using the Monitored Piles of Rei Helice Continua, significant environmental advantages are achieved

- Noise level reduction;

- Absence of vibrations that eliminate risk of cracking in neighboring buildings;

- Highly appropriate alternatives to large urban agglomerations.

Rei Helice Continua also supports and advocates the sustainable use of natural resources and the minimization of the impacts of its activities on the environment, through the proper disposal of residues or by-products of its operations.

Actions within the culture of Environmental Sustainability

- Actions within the culture of Environmental Sustainability.

- Vehicles and equipment use the S-10 Diesel, which generates lower sulfur emissions during the fuel burn process and is, therefore, an alternative less harmful to health and the environment.

- Separation, storage and proper disposal of waste.

At the company's headquarters there is a cleaning area of machines and equipment of Rei Helice Continua, where a box of settling and separation of oil is available. After this procedure, contaminated oil is properly stored in containers. The same is valid for tow and saw dust, which also follow the same storage method.

With the support of a company specialized in environmental management, a proper destination is given for each type of material, avoiding damage to the environment.



LANGUAGES   Português    Español    English
Headquarters: Barão de Mauá Street, 236   -   City: Goiânia / GO   -   Brazil
Rei Helice Continua © 2020. All rights reserved   |   TERMS AND CONDITIONS   |   PRIVACY POLICY   |   Developed by Lobe Tecnologia

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